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Redefining Customer Service: The Case for a Radical Shift in Thinking, Acting, and Reacting
In the client-service industry, staff are often depicted as the modern-day Samaritans, patient, accommodating, and infinitely polite. But...

Why working for yourself while employed is the key to personal mastery
These days, the concept of working for yourself has taken on a new dimension. Traditionally, being employed by a company meant dedicating...

Best Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
Are you tired of always putting off tasks until the last minute and feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list? Do you want to take control...

Addictions You Must Break to Become Your Best Self
We all have vices that we cling to, habits that we know deep down are bad for us but just can't seem to shake. Whether it's scrolling...

Overcoming Perfectionism: Breaking Free from Paralysis
Break free from the shackles of perfectionism and unleash your potential, embrace your imperfections and reach new heights. Perfectionism...

Mastering the art of Self-Discipline
Discipline is an important quality that helps us to achieve our goals and live a productive and successful life. It involves self-control...

Losing Confidence in What You Do? Some Essential Steps to Regain it
Oh, those voices in our heads! You know the ones. They whisper words of judgment and doubt. They ask us, “Who do you think you are?” and...

Want to Reach an Overwhelming Goal?
Here's how to successfully adopt new behaviours -- and make sure they stick. When running any kind of coaching or consulting program,...

Great tips on How To Learn Faster And Smarter
Why Aren't You Learning Fast? Years of observing people at college and at work have led us to discover three specific reasons why many...

How to create a world of possibility
Creating a world of abundance isn’t about creating a world of luxury—it’s about creating a world of possibility. But how exactly do we...

Benefits of being grateful
When was the last time you felt grateful? I mean truly grateful for all you have: your health, loved ones, the Moonshots you’re pursuing,...

Things you don't realize you are doing because of your depression
Do any of these speak to you? Most people imagine depression equals “really sad," and unless you've experienced depression yourself, you...

How to Make a Home Office in a Small Space – Design & Layout Ideas
More and more people are working from home on a regular basis. When transitioning to an at-home workspace, making do with a laptop in...

How Effective Stress Control Can Boost Your Energy
Contrary to popular belief, effective stress control isn’t about eliminating adversity altogether. You and I both know that’s impossible....

Tips To Make Tough Decisions in Life
You make decisions every day, from what you’ll eat for lunch to the route you’ll drive through on your way to work. But when you consider...

How To Make Your Current Job Your Dream Job
I’ve often observed how some people view work as a means to an end. For some, it’s a burden they can’t wait to shed. While others enjoy...

Daily Hacks for Someone with Social Anxiety
I was officially diagnosed with social anxiety disorder when I was 24 years old. However, I’d been showing signs from a young age. The...

Things to Do When You Feel Lonely
Loneliness is going around, and it’s having a pretty big impact. Perhaps you haven’t seen friends and loved ones in person for quite some...

3 Habits of Incredibly Healthy People
No, you don’t have to go to the gym. I would consider myself a generally healthy individual. I exercise regularly, eat well balanced...

9 Simple Ways to Always Stay Positive
It’s common to be struck with a bout of pessimism, or to naturally be more towards the pessimistic end of the perspective spectrum. It’s...
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