Sylvester Stallone‘s true inspirational story is stuff of legends among filmmakers and screenwriters.
A struggling actor, Stallone was so broke at one point that he sold his wife’s jewellery. He ended up becoming homeless, sleeping in a bus station, and struggled to afford food.

In the end, he managed to get a small amount of money in his pocket by selling his dog for $25.
Soon after, Stallone decided to take his career in to his own hands and write a movie role for himself. After watching a boxing match, Stallone wrote the script for Rocky very quickly, and soon studios wanted to buy the screenplay to make.
Stallone was offered $125,000 for the Rocky script, but the trouble for the studios was that Stallone wanted to star in the movie. Stallone was dead broke and turned down $125,000 in order to chase his dream.
After being rejected on that idea because he “looked and talked funny”, Stallone was then offered $250,000 for the screenplay. He refused unless he could star.
He was then offered $350,000. He rejected it unless he could star in it. The studio wanted this screenplay so badly, but were not willing to risk the money on this unknown actor. Stallone stayed strong, and eventually the studio gave him a small amount for the script and let him star.
With his fortunes up, Stallone went to buy back his dog, but the guy he sold it to would not sell him back. Stallone offered the man $1000 for the dog, but the man refused. Eventually, the man accepted $15,000 for the dog.
And this is why Stallone has deserved his success and why he is on this list of the best motivational stories – because he was willing to do whatever it takes to get his dream.