When dealing with customers, clients, guests or prospects, we are usually presented with an extra opportunity to create a lasting positive impression.
This is when these people depart from our shop, hotel, office. Closing an interaction in a professional, polite, and respectful manner can actually transform even what may have started as an unpleasant conversation into a positive customer service experience.

While we all, at one time or another, have been drilled on the importance of a first impression, last impressions are the other key part of this equation, a part of the equation that is often overlooked. Customer goodbyes are often rushed—or skipped altogether.
If your customers are happy, the goodbye is your last, and one of your most notable, chances to bond with them, to add an important final chapter to the service experience.
Try to close each interaction with your customer in a way that is memorable and sincere.
It is very important to genuinely express our gratitude, saying "thank you for coming in today," thank you for allowing us to serve you," or "thank you for the privilege of your time" is greatly recommended.

A sincere farewell makes people feel positive about your business, it creates positive connections.
Few tips:
Focus on your customer: pay full attention to them, stand up, make eye contact, smile, shake hands if appropriate.
Personalize your goodbye: use the customer’s name, customize your language to fit this customer’s history with you. For example, if this is the last day of a convention or holiday, add your sincere wishes for safe travel. If you are a retailer, express your hope for satisfaction with the item purchased.
Make your goodbye resonant: If appropriate, give a parting gift. It can be a sweet, chocolate, umbrella, a book, etc. An ideal gift is something that is emotionally resonant with your brand as well as appropriate to the customer. Invite your customers to come back again as they leave.
Ask if further assistance is needed at that point: would you need a taxi, directions, maps, luggage storage, etc